“My wife gave birth to triplets, and I shouted with joy. But soon it became clear that she left the children and disappeared. My daughter’s words in court 24 years later nailed me to the cross.” 🫢👀👀 Continued in the comments 👇👇👇

Twenty-four years ago, I was a young man deeply in love with a girl named Kira. I couldn’t imagine a day without her, and we quickly got married. I was eager to start a family, but Kira insisted that we should enjoy life together first. Eventually, we received the joyful news that Kira was pregnant. I couldn’t hold back tears of happiness, and when we were told that she was expecting triplets – two boys and a girl – I was over the moon. I ran through the hospital’s corridors shouting with joy.

However, after the delivery, something terrible happened. Kira disappeared, leaving me alone with the newborns. She vanished completely. I called my parents, who luckily lived nearby. They rushed to help and agreed to take care of the children. My children grew up quickly. Before I knew it, they had finished school with top honors. My sons were studying to become a lawyer and a programmer, while my daughter pursued a career in dentistry. I was immensely proud of them.

I never remarried because, initially, I had no time to think about it, and later, I had no desire. A year ago, there was a knock on my door. When I opened it, I saw Kira, who appeared to have aged about 40 years, honestly speaking. I invited her inside, offered tea and cookies, and regretted it deeply after 15 minutes. Kira initially claimed she understood her mistakes and wanted to apologize to me and our children. Then she said she had nowhere to live and was waiting for my help.

Later, she demanded financial assistance from me, expecting a monthly payment, but I had no idea why. I finally kicked her out, telling her not to come near our children if she saw them only as a source of profit. My ex-wife took legal action against me, but she predictably lost the case. When my daughter saw her mother for the first time, she said, “You know, Kira, I always envied my friends when they talked about sharing secrets with their mothers or borrowing their clothes and makeup. I dreamed of feeling a mother’s warmth, of having a mature friend in our family.

But now, seeing what you’ve become, I can confidently say that if I had a choice, I would live my life all over again without you..

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